Keynote: Virtual Fabrication for Advanced CMOS

Gerold Schröpfer (Coventor)
Recent semiconductor technology advances, including FinFET, TriGate, High-K/Metal-Gate, embedded memories and advanced patterning, have dramatically increased the com-plexity of integrated pro- cesses and has raised cost and duration of technology development using antiquated trial-and-error experimental methodologies. A more systematic virtual development approach is required for advanced technologies to tune 3D device geometry and achieve time-to-market objectives. 3D process modeling based on a voxel algorithm has already demonstrated its value for MEMS. More recently, this capability has been demonstrated in the semiconductor space for a wide range of technology development capabilities in a simple, robust, high-speed software platform. Several examples will be discussed including virtual fabrication, variation analysis and design-process interaction for advanced CMOS.
Curriculum Vitae
Gerold Schröpfer is director of Coventor’s European operations and foundry partner program. He has 16+ years of experience in MEMS design, se-miconductor technologies and EDA. This includes key contributions to the first MEMS PDKs, the first RF MEMS technology in mobile phones (WiSpry) and the first high-volume tire-pressure-sensor.