As good as it gets - How much more EDA needs "More than Moore"?

Christian Sebeke, Bosch
More components, such as analog/radio frequency (RF), passive, high voltage (HV) power, sensor/actuator, bio-chip and micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) will be added to pure CMOS; processed or embedded in the chip or package instead of being added at system level. This takes system integration including software to the next level and challenges mixedmode design with demand for high performance system level design, verification, validation, simulation and modelling with formalised or even executable specifications and others. Facing the situation, design methodology groups demand a specific roadmap from EDA vendors, to enable leverage from technology advances. They envision a shift from today's bottom-up to a topdown approach. But is everybody ready to jump on that train?
This talk will give a perspective on what will happen facing all challenges on the background of the field of forces around EDA which is spanned by methodology, users, customers and vendors.
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Christian Sebeke received the Dipl.-Ing. and the Ph.D. degrees from the University of Hannover in Germany 1990 and 1996, respectively. He joined Philips Semiconductors in Switzerland, 1995, dealing with all aspects of packaging, test, front-end and back-end design. From 2001 though 2005 he held technical marketing and marketing management positions with Agilent Technologies SOC Test Division, now Verigy, and Philips LCOS. Dr. Sebeke joined Robert Bosch GmbH in 2005, where he is responsible for design methodology which has the practical aspect of technology transfer from international tool vendors, research institutes and universities to the design teams. Topics range from digital to analog and mixed-signal, in front-end and backend, touching test, QA as well as manufacturing with the specific requirements on automotive quality and reliability.