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EDA Achievement Award | | | EDA Medal | |
With the EDA Achievement Award, the edacentrum honors and rewards significant, excellent research and development contributions in the area of Electronic Design Automation that have been achieved by projects funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), under the “IKT 2020” research programs for information and communication technology or by comparable also international research programs. Eligible contributions include those of an individual person or team which significantly contributed to the goals of the IKT 2020 research program. Of particular consideration are those contributions that demonstrated substantial, quantifiable improvements in the design process and that achieved significant benefits in industrial applications. | | | Awarded annually since 2002, the EDA medal honours the achievements of an individual of special merit engaged in electronic design automation (EDA). The EDA Medal is awarded to only those individuals who have made a significant, lasting contribution to EDA development in Germany and in the world. The EDA Medal is a mark of recognition, not a reward. Candidates are recommended by the edacentrum management board, and the winner is selected by the association’s steering committee. The medal is presented to the winner at the edaWorkshop in the spring of every year. | |
EDA Achievement Award 2025 announced
| | | EDA Medal 2024: Jürgen Haase | |
 The edacentrum has announced the EDA Achievement Award 2025. Applications must be sent info edacentrum [dot] de (by e-mail) to edacentrum e.V. by February 14, 2025. to the announcement. (in German only).
| | | Award winner Dr. Jürgen Haase at the EDA medal ceremony together with the edacentrum Board of Directors Prof. Dr. Ulf Schlichtmann, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nebel and Prof. Dr. Holger Blume, the Managing Director of edacentrum GmbH, Boris Strohmeier, and the laudator Manfred Dietrich. mehr | |
EDA Achievement Award 2024: Jens Benndorf
| | | EDA Medal 2023: Jürgen Schlöffel
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Award winner Jens Benndorf at the EDA Achievement Award ceremony together with the edacentrum Board of Directors Prof. Dr. Ulf Schlichtmann (left), Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nebel (right) and Prof. Dr. Holger Blume (2nd f.r.). mehr
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Dipl.-Phys. Jürgen Schlöffel getting his EDA medal from the edacentrum board and Laudator Andreas Glowatz from Siemens EDA more (German only)
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EDA Achievement Award 2023: Jürgen Scheible
| | | EDA Medal 2022: Wolfgang Rosenstiel | |
 f.l.t.r.: Prof. Dr. Ulf Schlichtmann, Dr. Jürgen Haase, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nebel (all edacentrum board), Prof. Dr. Jürgen Scheible and the laudators Prof. Dr. Ralf Sommer and Georg Gläser (both IMMS) more (in German only).
| | |  Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Rosenstiel was posthumously awarded the EDA Medal 2022 at the edaWorkshop22 for his life's work in research, development, promotion and application in the field of Electronic Design Automation (EDA). more (in German only).
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EDA Achievement Award 2022: Holger Eisenreich
| | | EDA Medal 2021: Bernd Becker
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Conferment of the EDA-Achievent Award 2022 to Holger Eisenreich from Raisycs GmBH by Prof. Dr. Ulf Schlichtmann (Board edacentrum. l.) and laudator Dr. Ulrich Hensel (GLOBALFOUNDRIES Dresden, r.). more (in German only). | | | The virtual conferment of the EDA Medal 2021 to Prof. Dr. Bernd Becker (m.) by laudator Prof. Dr. Ilia Polian (b.r.) and the edacentrum board, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nebel (b.l.), Prof. Dr. Ulf Schlichtmann (u.l.) and Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Haase (r. m.). more (in German only).
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EDA Achievement Award 2021: Raik Brinkmann | | | EDA Medal 2020: Martin Reuter
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The virtual conferment of the EDA-Achievent Award 2021 to Raik Brinkmann from Onespin Solutions (b.li.) by laudator Thomas Heurung from Siemens EDA (b.r.) and the edacentrum board, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nebel (up.l), Prof. Dr. Ulf Schlichtmann (up.m.) and Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Haase (up.r.). more (in German only). | | |  The virtual conferment of the EDA Medal 2020 to Martin Reuter from Siemens EDA (m.) by laudator Thomas Heurung from Siemens EDA (up.r.) and the edacentrum board, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nebel (b.l.), Prof. Dr. Ulf Schlichtmann (up.l.) and Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Haase (r. m.). more (in German only). | |
EDA Achievement Award 2020: Andreas Aal | | | EDA Achievement Award 2019: Alexnder Viehl
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The virtual conferment of the EDA-Achievent Award 2020 to Andreas Aal from Volkswagen (u.r.) by laudator Christoph Heer from Intel (u.r) and the edacentrum Board, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nebel (below, left), Prof. Dr. Ulf Schlichtmann (below, right) and Dr. Jürgen Haase (below, mi.) more (in German only). | | | 
Honoured Dr. Alexander Viehl from FZI together with mit Laudator Dr.-Ing. Jan-Hendrik Oetjens Jürgen from Robert Bosch. more (in German only). | |
EDA Medaille 2019: Heinrich Meyr
| | | EDA-Medaille 2018: Ralf Pferdmenges
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Honoured Prof. em. Dr. sc. techn. Heinrich Meyr (midth) with Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Haase (l.) and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rosenstiel (2nd f. l.), members of the edacentrum board as well as the two Laudators Dr. Tim Kogel, Synopsys GmbH (2nd f. r.) and Prof. Dr. Gerhard Fettweis, TU Dresden (r.) more. (in German only)
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Honoured Dipl.-Phys. Ralf Pferdmenges (2nd f. r.) with Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Haase (l.) and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nebel (r.), memebers of the edacentrum board as well as Laudator Prof. Dr. Erich Barke (2nd. f. l.). (more in German only). | |
EDA Achievement Award 2018: Axel Hand und Georg Gläser
| | | EDA-Medaille 2017: Manfred Dietrich
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 f.l.t.r.: Dr. Jürgen Haase and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nebel, members of the edacentrum board, honoured Axel Hald and honoured Georg Gläser, Laudator Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Scheible and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rosenstiel, member of the edacentrum board. more (in German only). | | | 
Honoured Dr. Manfred Dietrich (Midth) besides Laudator Ralf Pferdmenges (2nd.f.l.). with the emmbers of the edacentrum board (f.l.t.r.) Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nebel, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rosenstiel and Dr. Jürgen Haase. more. (in German only).
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EDA Achievement Award 2017: Ulrich Abelein | | | EDA-Medaille 2016: Peter van Staa | |
 Preisträger Ulrich Abelein von Infineon (2.v.re.) mit den Vorstandsmitgliedern im edacentrum (v.l.n.r.): Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nebel Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rosenstiel und Dr. Jürgen Haase. mehr | | | 
Dr. Peter van Staa (Midth) besides Laudator Prof. Dr.-Ing. Erich Barke (2nd.f.r.). with the members of the edacentrum board (f.l.t.r.) Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Haase, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rosenstiel und Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nebel. more (German only) | |
EDA Achievement Award 2016: Wolfgang Ecker | | | EDA-Medaille 2015: Erich Barke | |

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ecker from Infineon (2nd f.l.) besides Laudator Dr. Jan-Hendrik Oetjens (Bosch, Midth) and the edacentrum board members (f.l.t.r.): Dr. Jürgen Haase, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nebel und Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rosenstiel. more (German only)
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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Erich Barke with Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Haase, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nebel, board members of the edacentrum and laudator Dr. Peter van Staa. more (German only)
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EDA Achievement Award 2015: MEMS2015-Team | | | EDA-Medaille 2014: Uwe Feldmann | |

Dr. Jürgen Haase and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nebel, board members of the edacentrum, winner Prof. Dr. Ralf Sommer of IMMS, laudator Günter Kornmann, Intel. more (German only) | | | 
Dr. rer. nat. Uwe Feldmann with the EDA medal, standing between the three board members of the edacentrum, Dr. Jürgen Haase (far left), Prof. Dr. Erich Barke and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rosenstiel (right), after the award ceremony in Berlin. more (German only) | |
EDA Achievement Award 2014: Georg Georgakos | | | EDA-Medaille 2013: Franz-Josef Rammig | |
 Georg Georgakos from Infineon Technologies together with the presenter of the award Dr. Frank Schenkel. more (German only) | | | 
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Franz-Josef Rammig with the EDA medal, standing between the presenter of the award Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Nebel from OFFIS (left) and two board members of the edacentrum, Dr. Jürgen Haase (far right) and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rosenstiel (right), after the award ceremony in Hannover. more (German only) | |
EDA Achievement Award 2013: Andy Heinig and Uwe Knöchel
| | | EDA-Medaille 2012: Irmtraud Rugen-Herzig
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The winner of the EDA Achievement Award in 2013, Uwe Knöchel und Andy Heinig from the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft IIS/EAS (middle) between the edacentrum board members, Dr. Jürgen Haase (far right) Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rosenstiel (left), and the presenter of the award Günter Kornmann of Infineon AG (right). more (German only) | | | 
Irmtraud Rugen Herzig with the EDA medal, standing between two board members of the edacentrum, Dr. Jürgen Haase (left) and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rosenstiel (right), after the award ceremony in Hannover. more (German only) | |
EDA Achievement Award 2012: MunEDA GmbH and their WiCKeD-Team | | | EDA-Medaille 2011: Günter Elst | |
 The winner of the EDA Achievement Award in 2012, Frank Schenkel (middle), Vice President of MunEDA, together with edacentrum board member, Dr. Jürgen Haase, (left), and the presenter of the award Dr. Manfred Dietrich of Fraunhofer Institut IIS/EAS (right).more (German only) | | | 
Prof. Dr. Günter Elst with the EDA medal, standing between two board members of the edacentrum, Dr. Jürgen Haase (left) and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rosenstiel, after the award ceremony in Dresden.more (German only) | |
EDA Achievement Award 2011: Fabian Wagner and the Dionysys project team
| | | EDA-Medaille 2010: Walter Anheier | |

The winner of the EDA Achievement Award in 2011, Fabian Wagner (middle) of the University of Technology of Hamburg-Harburg, together with edacentrum board member, Dr. Jürgen Haase, (right), and the presenter of the award Dr. Klaus Eckl of Synopsys GmbH (left). more (German only) | | | 
Prof. Dr. Walter Anheier holding the EDA Medal, with edacentrum board members and Mr. Jürgen Schlöffel of Mentor Graphics, after the award ceremony in Hannover. more (German only) | |
EDA Achievement Award 2010: Peter Jores and the VeronA Project Team | | | EDA-Medal 2009: Prof. Dr. Dr. Franz Rößler | |

The winner of the EDA Achievement Award in 2010, Peter Jores (holding the award) of Robert Bosch GmbH, together with edacentrum board members, Dr. Jürgen Haase, (right), Prof. Dr. Erich Barke (behind) and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rosenstiel (left). more (German only) | | | 
Prof. Dr. Dr. Franz Rössler flanked by edacentrum board members and Mr. Lutz Wenzel of the DLR, after the award ceremony in Dresden. more (German only) | |
EDA Achievement Award 2008: Karsten Einwich | | | EDA-Medal 2008: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Glauert | |

The winner of the EDA Achievement Award in 2008, Karsten Einwich (holding the award), scientist at the Graunhofer Society IIS/EAS, together with edacentrum board members, Dr. Jürgen Haase, (right), Prof. Dr. Erich Barke (far left) and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rosenstiel (second left). more (German only) | | | 
Prof. Dr. Wolfram Glauert (holding the EDA medal) of the University Erlangen-Nürnberg together with the board members of the edacentrum Dr. Jürgen Haase, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rosenstiel and Prof. Dr. Erich Barke (from the left) and Dr. Peter van Staa, chairman of the steering committee edacentrum (on the right). | |
EDA Achievement Award 2007: Gerhard Angst | | | EDA-Medal 2007: Udo Steinkopf | |

The winner of the EDA Achievement Award in 2007, Gerhard Angst (2nd from right), founder and manager of Concept Engineering GmbH, together with edacentrum board members, Dr. Jürgen Haase, (far left), Prof. Dr. Erich Barke (2nd from left) and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rosenstiel (far right). | | | 
Mr. Udo Steinkopf (2nd from right), formerly of Infineon Technologies AG receives the EDA Medal from Prof. Dr. Erich Barke, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rosenstiel, chairman of edacentrum’s board, and Dr. Jürgen Haase, edacentrum’s manager (far left). more (German only) | |
EDA Achievement Award 2006: Reimund Wittmann | | | EDA-Medaille 2006: Dr. Peter Schwarz | |

Mr. Reimund Wittmann (2nd from left) receives the award from chairman of the edacentrum board, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rosenstiel (far right) during the edaForum06 in Berlin, with edacentrum’s Prof. Dr. Erich Barke and Dr. Jürgen Haase looking on. more (German only) | | | 
Dr. Peter Schwarz (middle) of the Fraunhofer Institute of Integrated Circuits, Dresden is congratulated by Dr. Peter van Staa (far left), speaker of the steering committee, Prof. Dr. Erich Barke (2nd from left) and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rosenstiel (2nd from right), chairman of the edacentrum board, and Dr. Jürgen Haase, edacentrum’s manager (far right). more (German only) | |
EDA Achievement Award 2005: Dr. Sebastian Sattler | | | EDA-Medal 2005: Prof. Dr. Klaus Waldschmidt | |

Dr. Sebastian Sattler (2nd from right) is presented with the award by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rosenstiel (far left), chairman of edacentrum’s board, at the edaForum05 in Hannover. more (German only) | | | 
Prof. Dr. Klaus Waldschmidt (right) of the University of Frankfurt receives the EDA Medal from Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rosenstiel, acting chairman of edacentrum’s board. more (German only) | |
EDA Achievement Award 2004: Dr. Ralf Sommer und Dipl.-Ing. Göran Jerke | | | EDA-Medal 2004: Prof. Dr. Detlef Schmid | |

For his contributions to the development and proliferation of symbolic circuit analysis, Dr. Ralf Sommer and his team at Infineon Technologies AG (represented by Mrs. Irmtraud Rugen-Herzig) received the EDA Achievement Award in 2004. For his papers on the analysis and verification of current density in conducting paths, Mr. Göran Jerke of Robert Bosch GmbH received the EDA Achievement Award in 2004 more (German only) | | | 
Prof. Dr. Detlef Schmid (right) of the University of Karlsruhe accepts the EDA Medal with obvious pleasure from Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rosenstiel, acting chairman of edacentrum’s board. more | |
EDA Achievement Award 2003: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Büttner | | | EDA-Medal 2003: Prof. Dr. Kurt Antreich | |

Prof. Dr. Wolfram Büttner and the CVE team of Infineon Technologies AG received the EDA Achievement Award in 2003 for their contributions to increasing the efficiency and application breadth of formal verification methodology and technology. more (German only) | | | 
Prof. Dr. Kurt Antreich (2nd from right) of the University of Technology of Munich with the edacentrum’s board of directors. more (German only) | |
In 2002 the EDA Achievement Award was neither offered as a reward nor lent. | | | EDA-Medal 2002: Prof. Dr. Joachim Mucha | |
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The winner, Prof. Dr. Joachim Mucha (right) of the University of Hannover, receives the EDA Medal from Prof. Dr. Erich Barke, chairman of edacentrum’s board. more (German only) | |