edaWorkshop11 - Program

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On this website you find the program of this year's edaWorkshop seperately expandable for each day. Included are schedule, titles of the presentations and the presenters . If further information like an abstract, a cv or (for participants) the slides are available, this is indicated by a link.

The whole program booklet is downloadable here as PDF (600KB). Please contact us at infoatedacentrum [dot] de, if you would like us to send the printed program booklet to you by mail.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Keynote-Session, Moderator: E. Barke (edacentrum)

09:15 Welcome
A. Brüning (Silicon Saxony)
09:30 More than Moore - Challenges and Opportunities for Europe
M. Brillouet (CEA-Leti)
Abstract and Curriculum Vitae
10:00 Real-world Applications of Smart Environments in the Home
B. de Groot (Philips)
Abstract and Curriculum Vitae
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10:30 Coffee Break

Technical Session: Healthcare, Moderator: P. Merkus (Philips)

11:00 THOR: Striking Technologies for Power
M. van Helvoort (Philips)
11:35 CSI: Central Nervous System’s Multi Modal Imaging
R. Zafalon (STMicroelectronics Italy)
12:00 MAS: Mobile Ambient Assisted Living
O. Vermesan (SINTEF)
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12:25 Q&A
12:30 Lunch

Technical Session: System Design Methodologies, Moderator: F. Petrot (TIMA)

14:00 Multimedia Box to Home System
D. Henoff (STMicroelectronics)
14:35 Hardware Dependent Software Solutions for SoC Design
E. de Kock (NXP)
15:00 An Approach toward Accurately Timed TLM+ for Embedded System Models
K. Lu, D. Müller-Gritschneder, W. Ecker, V. Esen, M. Velten, U. Schlichtmann (Infineon, TU München)
15:25 Q&A
15:30 Coffee Break

Technical Session: Multicore Architecture, Moderator: D. Rousset (ST-Ericsson)

16:00 The CC-Numa TSAR Machine
H.-N. Nguyen (Bull)
16:35 P2012 in COBRA Project: Processing Array for Computing-intensive Applications
F. Clermidy (CEA-Leti)
17:00 COMCAS Project: Energy Efficient Devices for Digital Entertainment
A. Castillejo (ST-Ericsson)
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17:25 Q&A

Panel-Session, Moderator: B. Candaele (Thales)

17:30 Network on Chip - Alternative Solutions and Future Directions
C. Plomion (Arteris)
P. Bricaud (Synopsys)
M. Coppola (STMicroelectronics)
F. Clermidy (CEA-Leti)
I. O’Connor (Ecole Centrale de Lyon)
18:30 Break

Conference Dinner

19:30 Meeting point at hotel reception
19:45 Arrival at "Altmarktkeller" (Altmarkt 4, 01067 Dresden)
20:00 Dinner
23:00 End of 1st day

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Keynote-Session, Moderator: W. Rosenstiel (edacentrum)

09:00 Gaining 10x in Power Efficiency in the Next Decade in Consumer Products
P. Magarshack (STMicroelectronics)
Abstract and Curriculum Vitae
10:00 Coffee Break

Technical Session: High Level AMS Design, Moderator: S. Scotti (STMicroelectronics)

10:15 Design Refinement of Embedded Analogue and Mixed-Signal Systems
S. Scotti (STMicroelectronics),
M. Barnasconi (NXP), M.-M. Louerat (UPMC Paris), E. Vaumorin (Magillem)
10:50 A Performance Comparison Between the SystemC-AMS Models of Computation
F. Paugnat, L. Bousquet, K. Morin-Allory,
L. Fesquet (TIMA Laboratory)
11:15 Virtual Prototype of a Fibre-optical Gyrosensor with SystemC-AMS
S. Rieke, O. Waydhas (Northrop Grumman LITEF)
Demo at Poster Exhibition
11:40 Q&A

Poster-Session, Moderator: R. Popp (edacentrum)

11:45 Introduction the Poster Exhibition
Comprising accepted scientific contributions and an overview on project posters and demonstrations
12:00 Poster Exhibition
12:30 Lunch and Poster Exhibition

Technical Session: Design for Yield and Reliability, Moderator: G. Georgakos (Infineon)

14:00 Design Methods to Influence SoC Quality, a Post HONEY View
G. Georgakos (Infineon)
14:35 New insights into oxide breakdown impact on MOS devices and circuits
L. Gerrer (IMEP-LAHC laboratory)
15:00 Methodology for Experimental Investigation of Matching and Ageing Effects
B. Dimov (IMMS), E. Hennig (IMMS)
15:25 Q&A
15:30 Coffee Break

Panel-Session, Moderator: C. Sebeke (Bosch)

16:00 More than Moore – the Most Important Driver of Microelectronics! Or?
V. Herbig (X-FAB)
T. Hötzel (Atmel)
NN (STMicroelectronics)
S. Kroehnert (Nanium)
P. Schneider (Fraunhofer IIS)
W. Stronski (Cadence)
17:30 Break

Social Event

18:00 Meeting point at hotel reception for guided tour
18:15 Guided tour at "Deutsches Hygiene Museum" (Lingnerplatz 1, 01069 Dresden)
19:00 Meeting point at hotel reception
19:15 Arrival at "Deutsches Hygiene Museum" (Lingnerplatz 1, 01069 Dresden)
19:30 Award of "EDA-Medaille 2011"
19:45 Dinner
23:00 End of 2nd day

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Keynote-Session, Moderator: U.Schlichtmann (TU München)

09:00 Design and Verification of Dependable Analog Systems
L. Hedrich (U Frankfurt)
Abstract and Curriculum Vitae
9:45 Coffee Break

Technical Session: Robust Design, Moderator: C. Sebeke (Bosch)

10:15 Design Methods for ROBUST Electronic Systems - Searching for the Holy Grail?
M. Radetzki (U Stuttgart)
10:50 An NBTI Model for Efficient Transient Simulation of Analogue Circuits
F. Salfelder, L. Hedrich (U Frankfurt)
11:15 Error Prediction Based on Concurrent Self-test and Reduced Slack Time
V. Gherman, J. Massas, S. Evain,
S. Chevobbe, Y. Bonhomme (CEA LIST)
11:40 Award of "EDA Achievement Award 2011"
12:00 Poster Exhibition
13:00 Lunch and Poster Exhibition

Technical Session: Analog Synthesis and Optimization and 3D-Circuits, Moderator: L. Hedrich (U Frankfurt)

14:15 SyEnA Drives Synthesis-Supported Design of Analog Circuits
A. Graupner (ZMDi)
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14:50 Reliability Optimization of Analog Circuits with Aged Sizing Rules and Area Trade-off
X. Pan, H. Graeb (TU München)
15:15 3D Physical Design: Challenges and Solutions
R. Fischbach, J. Lienig, T. Meister (TU Dresden)
15:40 Closing
J. Haase (edacentrum)
15:50 End of 3rd day