Consultation-workshop on open-source hardware and RISC-V

On behalf of the European Commission the three industry associations AENEAS, ARTEMIS-IA, and EPoSS will organise a consultation-workshop on open-source hardware and RISC-V for its members on June 17. The consultation workshop aims to investigate research challenges on open-source hardware that could be included as Work Programme topics in the first calls of the Joint Undertaking "Key Digital Technologies" (KDT JU). (currently planned successor of ECSEL). This workshop is a first step in a process that will ultimately lead to a concrete roadmap for strengthening the European open-source hardware ecosystem. Interested experts should contact one of the offices of the three associations.
Why this workshop?
The Union’s digital sovereignty depends or our capacity to design, develop and produce processors that underpin most of the key current and future value chains, from high end supercomputers, cloud and edge computing, cars and connected devices to the smallest embedded systems and sensors in our everyday life. Currently, Europe heavily depends on processor suppliers outside the Union. The Union needs to guarantee an autonomous processor supply in Europe within a reasonable time. Solutions based on open-source hardware (including RISC-V) are one of the most credible alternatives identified so far.