TRACE Steering Group Meeting and WP2/WP9 workshop held in Hamburg

On June 12, TRACE work package leader and national coordinators met together with the TRACE coordination and management team for the Second TRACE Steering Group meeting. The meeting was held at the NEXPERIA premises in Hamburg, Germany.
The TRACE Steering Group has been initiated end of 2017 to support all TRACE exploitation activities in general while putting special focus to the exploitation of the innovative TRACE database approach that is planned to be made publically available after the project’s end in the form of a VDE ITG working group MN5.7.
On the following day (June 13), the TRACE partners of WP2 and WP9 met together on the topic “AEC-Q004 (zero defect guidline)” and discussed its relevance for the TRACE method on the basis of a draft version of the guidline.