edaWorkshop11 and CATRENE DTC - Programm

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Auf dieser Webseite finden Sie das Programm des edaWorkshop11 and CATRENE DTC, welches Sie für jede Session einzeln ausklappen können. Dort finden Sie den Zeitplan, die Vortragstitel sowie die Vortragenden. Wenn darüber hinaus noch Informationen wie eine Kurzfassung, ein Lebenslauf oder (für alle Teilnehmer) die Folien verfügbar sind, wird ein entsprechender Link unter dem Vortragstitel angezeigt.

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Dienstag, 10. Mai 2011

09:15 - 10:30
Moderator: Erich Barke (edacentrum)

09:30More than Moore - Challenges and Opportunities for Europe
Michel Brillouët (LETI)
Kurzfassung und Curriculum Vitae
10:00Real-world Applications of Smart Environments in the Home
Bastiaan de Groot (Philips)
Abstract: Examples and future visions of Smart Environments in the home have been around for a long time, but despite our fast advancement in reducing chip cost, power usage and processing power, only a fraction of the envisioned use cases have been realized. This is mainly caused by the high level of integration on a semantic level that is needed to realize many of the use cases and the absence of applications that could justify the investments in a backbone infrastructure for the home. This is currently changing rapidly, with the increasing societal cost of energy and an aging population, there suddenly is the societal need that justifies the installation of the needed infrastructure in the home. With emergence of standards like Zigbee and Continua we are also well on our way to solve the problem of semantic standardization for these domains. The interesting question that remains is how the end-user and other stakeholders will react to these developments, with the pressure to change mainly being driven by a societal need and not by an end-user insight, these developments are met with great skepticism by the end-users (as we can see with the introduction of for example the smart meter). The major question will be how to involve the end-user in such a way that he will embrace this type of solutions and this is (usually) not the case when the only benefit is financial. Only if the solutions add true value to the lives of the consumers they will fully embrace the solutions developed, something which is often overlooked in many societal driven developments. In this talk an outline will be given of end-user driven developments in this field from the perspective of Philips Research.

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10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break

11:00 - 12:30
Technical Session: Healthcare
Moderator: Paul Merkus (Philips)

11:00THOR: Striking Technologies for Power
Mark van Helvoort (Philips)
11:35CSI: Central Nervous System’s Multi Modal Imaging
Roberto Zafalon (ST Microelectronics)
12:00MAS: Mobile Ambient Assisted Living
Ovidiu Vermesan (SINTEF, NO)
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12:30 - 14:00

14:00 - 15:30
Technical Session: System Design Methodologies
Moderator: Frédéric Pétrot (TIMA/INPG)

14:00Multimedia Box to Home System
Dominique Hénoff (ST Microelectronics)
14:35Hardware Dependent Software Solutions for SoC Design
Ervin de Kock (NXP)
15:00An Approach toward Accurately Timed TLM+ for Embedded System Models
Kun Lu (TU Muenchen)
Daniel Müller-Gritschneder (Technical University of Munich, D)
Wolfgang Ecker (Infineon, D)
Volkan Esen (Infineon, D)
Michael Velten (Infineon)
Ulf Schlichtmann (TU München, D)

15:30 - 16:00
Coffee Break

16:00 - 17:30
Technical Session: Multicore Architecture
Moderator: Denis Rousset (ST Ericson)

16:00The CC-Numa TSAR Machine
Kun Lu (TU Muenchen)
Daniel Müller-Gritschneder (Technical University of Munich, D)
Wolfgang Ecker (Infineon, D)
Volkan Esen (Infineon, D)
Michael Velten (Infineon)
Ulf Schlichtmann (TU München, D)
16:35P2012 in COBRA Project: Processing Array for Computing-intensive Applications
Fabien Clermidy (CEA Tech, F)
17:00COMCAS Project: Energy Efficient Devices for Digital Entertainment
Armand Castillejo (ST Ericsson)
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17:30 - 18:30
Panel: Closing the gap between technology and application needs
Moderator: Bernard Candaele (Thales, F)

17:30Network on Chip - Alternative Solutions and Future Directions
Cédric Plomion (ARTERIS)
Pierre Bricaud (Synopsys)
Marcello Coppola (STMicroelectronics, F)
Fabien Clermidy (CEA Tech, F)
Ian O’Connor (Ecole Centrale de Lyon)

18:30 - 19:30

19:30 - 23:00
Conference Dinner
Altmarkt 4, 01067 Dresden, Germany (Altmarktkeller)

19:30Meeting point at hotel reception
19:45Arrival at „Altmarktkeller“, Altmarkt 4, 01067 Dresden
23:00End of 1st day

Mittwoch, 11. Mai 2011

09:00 - 10:00
Moderator: Wolfgang Rosenstiel (edacentrum, D)

09:00Gaining 10x in Power Efficiency in the Next Decade in Consumer Products
Kurzfassung und Curriculum Vitae

10:00 - 10:15
Coffee Break

10:15 - 11:45
Technical Session: High Level AMS Design
Moderator: Serge Scotti (ST Microelectronics)

10:15Design Refinement of Embedded Analogue and Mixed-Signal Systems
Serge Scotti (ST Microelectronics)
Martin Barnasconi (NXP)
Marie-Minerve Louërat (U Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris)
10:50A Performance Comparison Between the SystemC-AMS Models of Computation
Franck Paugnat (TIMA/INPG)
L. Bousquet (TIMA/INPG)
Katell Morin-Allory (TIMA/INPG)
Laurent Fesquet (TIMA/INPG)
11:15Virtual Prototype of a Fibre-optical Gyrosensor with SystemC-AMS
Stefan Rieke (LITEF)
Oliver Waydhas (LITEF)
Demo auf Poster Exhibition
Serge Scotti (ST Microelectronics)

11:45 - 12:00
Poster Session
Moderator: Ralf Popp (edacentrum, D)

Comprising accepted scientific contributions (for details see bottom of next page) and an overview on project posters and demonstrations

11:45Introduction the Poster Exhibition
Ralf Popp (edacentrum, D)

12:00 - 12:30
Poster Exhibition

Within the Poster Exhibition we will have posters concerning the following scientific contributions: Besides these reviewed contributions to edaWorkshop11, the poster exhibition will show posters and demonstrations of all EDA projects funded by BMBF within IKT 2020

A Methodology to Use Classical IP Blocks in 3D Circuits

Johann Knechtel (TU Dresden)
Jens Lienig (TU Dresden, D)
Robustness Evaluation of Embedded Software Systems

Weiyun Lu (U Stuttgart)
Malte Metzdorf (OFFIS)
Domenik Helms (OFFIS, D)
Martin Radetzki (U Stuttgart)
Wolfgang Nebel (OFFIS)
Shared-memory Communication in Distributed SoCs on Multi-FPGA Systems

Marcus Müller (TU Ilmenau)
Oliver Brandel (TU Ilmenau)
Wolfgang Fengler (TU Ilmenau)
Fully Coupled Circuit and Device Simulation with Exploitation of Algebraic Multigrid Linear Solvers

Bernhard Klaassen (Fraunhofer SCAI)
Tanja Clees (Fraunhofer SCAI)
Monica Selva Soto (Fraunhofer SCAI)
Caren Tischendorf (U Köln)
Impact Estimation for Design Flow Changes

Roland Koppe (OFFIS)
Stefan Häusler (OFFIS)
Frank Poppen (OFFIS)
Axel Hahn (OFFIS)

12:30 - 14:00
Lunch and Poster Exhibition

14:00 - 15:30
Technical Session: Design for Yield and Reliability
Moderator: Georg Georgakos (Infineon)

14:00Design Methods to Influence SoC Quality, a Post HONEY View
Georg Georgakos (Infineon)
14:35Efficient and Reliable Feeding of the EDA Flow with Process Data
Roberto Gonella (ST Microelectronics)
15:00Methodology for Experimental Investigation of Matching and Ageing Effects
Boyko Dimov (IMMS)
Eckhard Hennig (IMMS)
Georg Georgakos (Infineon)

15:30 - 16:00
Coffee Break

16:00 - 17:30
Panel: More than Moore – the Most Important Driver of Microelectronics! Or?
Moderator: Dirk Friebel (Fraunhofer-IIS/EAS)

16:00More than Moore – the Most Important Driver of Microelectronics! Or?
Hans-Jürgen Brand (GlobalFoundries)
Volker Herbig (X-FAB)
Thomas Hötzel (Atmel)
Serge Scotti (ST Microelectronics)
Steffen Kroehnert (Nanium, PRT)
Peter Schneider (Fraunhofer IIS/EAS, D)
Wolfgang Stronski (Cadence)

17:30 - 18:00

18:00 - 23:00
Social Event
Grunaer Str. 14, Dresden, Germany (Meeting point at Dorint Hotel Dresden reception)

18:00Meeting point at hotel reception for guided tour
18:15Guided tour at „Deutsche Hygiene-Museum“, Lingnerplatz 1, 01069 Dresden
19:00Meeting point at hotel reception
19:15Arrival at „Deutsche Hygiene-Museum“, Lingnerplatz 1, 01069 Dresden
19:30Social Event:
Award of "EDA-Medaille 2011"

Weitere Informationen
23:00End of 2nd day

Donnerstag, 12. Mai 2011

09:00 - 09:45
Moderator: Ulf Schlichtmann (TU München, D)

09:00Design and Verification of Dependable Analog Systems
Lars Hedrich (U Frankfurt, D)
Kurzfassung und Curriculum Vitae

09:45 - 10:15
Coffee Break

10:15 - 12:00
Technical Session: Robust Design
Moderator: Christian Sebeke (Bosch)

10:15Design Methods for ROBUST Electronic Systems - Searching for the Holy Grail?
Volker Schöber (edacentrum)
10:50An NBTI Model for Efficient Transient Simulation of Analogue Circuits
Felix Salfelder (U Frankfurt)
Lars Hedrich (U Frankfurt, D)
11:15Error Prediction Based on Concurrent Self-test and Reduced Slack Time
Valentin Gherman (CEA-LIST)
J. Massas (CEA-LIST)
S. Evain (CEA-LIST)
Stéphane Chevobbe (CEA-LIST, F)
Y. Bonhomme (CEA-LIST)
11:40Social Event:
Award of "EDA Achievement Award 2011"

Weitere Informationen

12:00 - 14:15
Poster Exhibition

Within the Poster Exhibition we will have posters concerning the following scientific contributions: Besides these reviewed contributions to edaWorkshop11, the poster exhibition will show posters and demonstrations of all EDA projects funded by BMBF within IKT 2020

A Methodology to Use Classical IP Blocks in 3D Circuits

Johann Knechtel (TU Dresden)
Jens Lienig (TU Dresden, D)
Robustness Evaluation of Embedded Software Systems

Weiyun Lu (U Stuttgart)
Malte Metzdorf (OFFIS)
Domenik Helms (OFFIS, D)
Martin Radetzki (U Stuttgart)
Wolfgang Nebel (OFFIS)
Shared-memory Communication in Distributed SoCs on Multi-FPGA Systems

Marcus Müller (TU Ilmenau)
Oliver Brandel (TU Ilmenau)
Wolfgang Fengler (TU Ilmenau)
Fully Coupled Circuit and Device Simulation with Exploitation of Algebraic Multigrid Linear Solvers

Bernhard Klaassen (Fraunhofer SCAI)
Tanja Clees (Fraunhofer SCAI)
Monica Selva Soto (Fraunhofer SCAI)
Caren Tischendorf (U Köln)
Impact Estimation for Design Flow Changes

Roland Koppe (OFFIS)
Stefan Häusler (OFFIS)
Frank Poppen (OFFIS)
Axel Hahn (OFFIS)

13:00 - 14:15
Lunch and Poster Exhibition

14:15 - 15:50
Technical Session: Analog Synthesis and Optimization and 3D-Circuits
Moderator: Lars Hedrich (U Frankfurt, D)

14:15SyEnA Drives Synthesis-Supported Design of Analog Circuits
Achim Graupner (ZMD)
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14:50Reliability Optimization of Analog Circuits with Aged Sizing Rules and Area Trade-off
Xin Pan (TU Muenchen)
Helmut Gräb (TU München)
15:153D Physical Design: Challenges and Solutions
Robert Fischbach (TU Dresden)
Jens Lienig (TU Dresden, D)
Tilo Meister (TU Dresden)
Jürgen Haase (edacentrum, D)
15:50End of 3rd day