SPEAK: Specification based hardware/software design methodology for highly complex applications in automotive and communication

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An appropriate system design architecture is crucial to efficient implementation of complex algorithms found in advanced microelectronics of automotive and telecommunication applications. Making platform-based design an easier and faster task is therefore the next challenge for electronic system design automation (ESDA) tool developers. Raising the level of abstraction at which creative work is performed, is recognized as the most effective means for improving design efficiency. To achieve this goal, a well balanced consortium of automotive and communication companies is working together with EDA tool developers, research institutes, and small and medium sized enterprises. This initiative will combine two platform-based approaches: algorithm/architecture co-design and component-based design for heterogeneous systems.

Project coordination:

FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rosenstiel
fon: +49 721 9654-401
rosenstielatfzi [dot] de

Project management:

FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik
Prof. Dr. Oliver Bringmann
fon: +49 721 9654-455
bringmannatfzi [dot] de

Project partners:

Funding initial:

BMBF F&E 01M3049


Fri, 01 December 2000 - Tue, 31 December 2002



Project Information

Final Report
NL 03 2003 (PB)
NL 01 2003 (PN)

Used Abbreviations

PRProject Report
SPRShort Project Report
PNProject News
FPRFinal Project Report