MAYA: New Methods for HighVolume Massive Parallel Testing, Yield Learning and High Quality

Until 2008 digital circuitry will increase up to nearly 100 million gate equivalences; that will result in about 4 times more test vec-tors than required today. The costs of testing these new ICs and their huge data volume produced will add up to at least a factor of three, the required test time to a factor of 10. Even if not considering the increased number of pins, test cost per IC will explode to a factor of 120. The project MAYA will address this challenge by developing and integrating innovative technology for capturing data massively in parallel on-chip as well as multisite testing, and fast data processing to off-chip. These solutions will meet the demand for the next higher through-put increase of high-volume production testing at high quality.
Project coordination:Infineon Technologies AG Project management:Mentor, a Siemens business Project partners:Research partners:
Funding initial:BMBF F&E 01M3172 Runtime:Thu, 01 June 2006 - Sun, 31 May 2009 Website: | Project InformationFinal Report |
Used Abbreviations
Abbreviation | Meaning |
PR | Project Report |
SPR | Short Project Report |
PN | Project News |
FPR | Final Project Report |