ADTC and edaWorkshop19 - Program
At this web page you find the programme of the ADTC and edaWorkshop19. You may expand the programme for each session by clicking on the session title. You will find the detailed timetable, presentation titles and author names. If additional information like an abstract, curriculum vitae or (for attendees of the ADTC and edaWorkshop19 only) slides is available, a link below the presentation title is displayed.
You may download the programme as PDF file (1.57 MB).
You may download all presentations as one single ZIP file (~320 MB). (Access for logged in event attendees only!)
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
10:30 - 11:15
Welcome / Opening Keynote
Moderator: Wolfgang Rosenstiel (edacentrum, D)
10:30 | Welcome |
10:45 | Cyber Physical Systems, a Chance for European Future Fabien Clermidy (CEA Tech, F) Abstract and Curriculum Vitae Proceedings (Access for event attendees only) |
11:15 - 12:15
Technical Session 1: "Sensing for Cyber Physical Systems"
Moderator: Gilles Sicard (CEA-LETI, F)
11:15 | Sensor Fusion for Environment Perception Applied to CPS Aurélien Fresneau (CEA-LETI, F) Suzanne Lesecq (CEA-LETI, F) Diego Puschini (CEA-LETI, F) Tiana Rakotovao (CEA-LETI, F) Proceedings (Access for event attendees only) |
11:40 | A 3D Stacked Smart Vision Chip for Low Latency Image Processing Stéphane Chevobbe (CEA-LIST, F) Proceedings (Access for event attendees only) |
12:05 | Q&A |
12:15 - 13:30
13:30 - 15:00
Technical Session 2: "The Internet of Secure Things: How to Address Security in IOT"
Moderator: Marcello Coppola (STMicroelectronics, F)
13:30 | A Methodology of Designing Safety-Compliant Secure Communication for Autonomous Vehicles Daniela Cancila (CEA-LIST, F) |
13:50 | Safe and Secure Modular Updates for Industry 4.0 Thomas Strathmann (OFFIS, D) Proceedings (Access for event attendees only) |
14:10 | Secure Test Architectures in IoT Paolo Maistri (U Grenoble Alpes, F) Proceedings (Access for event attendees only) |
14:30 | Cyber Security Modeling as a Major Step into Secure IoT Peter Lieber (Sparx Services, A) Proceedings (Access for event attendees only) |
14:50 | Q&A |
15:00 - 15:30
Coffee Break
15:30 - 17:00
Technical Session 3: "Medical Devices"
Moderator: Armand Castillejo (STMicroelectronics, F)
15:30 | Medical Devices Cybersecurity: Integrity Control by Design Mohammed Ait-Bendaoud (CEA-LETI, F) Florian Pebay-Peyroula (CEA-LETI, F) Claire Rhue (CEA-LETI, F) Christophe Villemazet (CEA-LETI, F) Proceedings (Access for event attendees only) |
15:55 | Digitization for Healthcare: a Hardware Perspective Sotir Ouzounov (Philips Research, NL) Phil van Liere (Philips Healthcare, NL) Proceedings (Access for event attendees only) |
16:20 | A Tele-Visit System for ACTIVAGE Project Andrea Carboni (ISTI-CNR, IT) Proceedings (Access for event attendees only) |
16:45 | Q&A |
17:00 - 17:30
17:30 - 19:00
Special Session: “ECS in Europe: Strategic Research Agenda and the European Funding Landscape”
Moderator: Ahmed Jerraya (CEATech)
17:30 | “ECS in Europe: Strategic Research Agenda and the European Funding Landscape” Patrick Cogez (AENEAS, F) Yves Gigase (Head of KDT programs, BE) Proceedings (Access for event attendees only) |
19:00 - 19:30
19:30 - 22:00
Conference Dinner
19:30 | Come Together at Dorint Hotel (Gallery) |
20:00 | Dinner |
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
08:40 - 09:15
Moderator: Wolfgang Rosenstiel (edacentrum, D)
08:40 | Welcome |
08:45 | Connected Smart Sensor Systems – Enabling Technology for the IoT Markus Sonnemann (Bosch, D) Abstract and Curriculum Vitae Proceedings (Access for event attendees only) |
09:15 - 10:15
Technical Session 4: "System Integration and Packaging - Solutions for the Challenges of Miniaturization"
Moderator: Manfred Dietrich (TU Dresden, D)
09:15 | Optimize Product Cost and Performance with System-Level Co-Design Iyad Rayane (Zuken, F) Proceedings (Access for event attendees only) |
09:40 | MICROPRINCE – Open-Access Pilot Line for Micro-Transfer-Printing of functional components on Wafer Level Sebastian Wicht (X-FAB, D) Proceedings (Access for event attendees only) |
10:05 | Q&A |
10:10 | Introduction Poster Session Ralf Popp (edacentrum, D) |
10:15 - 10:45
Coffee Break & Poster Exhibition
10:45 - 12:45
Technical Session 5: : "Virtual Platforms in Automotive"
Moderator: Christoph Heer (Intel, D)
10:45 | Shifting Left Together - Virtual Platforms for Automotive Jakob Engblom (Intel, SE) Proceedings (Access for event attendees only) |
11:15 | Virtual Development in Automotive – Concepts and Visions of the EDA Industry Tim Kogel (Synopsys, D) Andreas Hoffmann (Synopsys, D) Gabriele Pulini (Mentor, F) Shaun Bridges (Mentor, UK) Robert Schweiger (Cadence, D) More information Proceedings Cadence (Access for event attendees only) Proceedings Mentor (Access for event attendees only) Proceedings Synopsys (Access for event attendees only) |
12:25 | Virtual ECUs for Embedded Software Development - A Survey of Automotive Applications Jakob Mauss (QTronic, D) Proceedings (Access for event attendees only) |
12:45 - 14:45
Lunch & Poster Exhibition
14:45 - 16:30
Technical Session 6: "Consumer Electronics in Automotive"
Moderator: Andreas Krauss (Bosch, D)
14:45 | TRACE - Technology Readiness Process for Consumer Electronics in Automotive and Industrial Andreas Krauss (Bosch, D) Proceedings (Access for event attendees only) |
15:00 | The Technology Readiness Process – a Central Enabler to Handle Complex Electronic Designs in a New Eco System Andreas Aal (Volkswagen, D) Proceedings (Access for event attendees only) |
15:25 | Embedded Bayesian Sensor Fusion: An Application in TRACE Aurélien Fresneau (CEA-LETI, F) Tiana Rakotovao (CEA-LETI, F) Proceedings (Access for event attendees only) |
15:50 | (CE-)Package Reliability Concerns and Improvements Derived in TRACE Sven Rzepka (Fraunhofer ENAS, D) Klas Brinkfeldt (RISE, SE) Hosea Busse (GÖPEL, D) Rainer Dudek (Fraunhofer ENAS, D) Reinhold-Wilhem Ortmann (Continental Automotive, F) Abstract and Curriculum Vitae Proceedings (Access for event attendees only) |
16:15 | Q&A |
16:30 - 17:00
Coffee Break & Poster Exhibition
17:00 - 18:00
Panel Session
Moderator: Jochen Langheim (STMicroelectronics, F)
17:00 | Panel "New Electronics Functions in Automotive – Reliability, Validation and Implementation of Common Standards – What’s Next?" Andreas Aal (Volkswagen, D) Laith Altimime (SEMI, D) Sanjay Huprikar (IPC) Stephan Lehmann (NXP, D) Markus Sonnemann (Bosch, D) |
18:00 - 18:30
18:30 - 23:30
Social Event
18:30 | Meeting Point at Hotel Reception and Departure Bus Shuttle (City Tour) |
20:00 | Welcome Reception at "Lingnerterrassen" |
20:15 | Dinner and Award of "EDA-Medal 2019" |
23:00 | Shuttle Back to the Dorint Hotel |
Thursday, May 16, 2019
09:00 - 10:20
Moderator: Ulf Schlichtmann (TU München, D)
09:00 | Welcome |
09:10 | On the Road to Self-Driving IC Design Tools and Flows Andrew B. Kahng (U California, San Diego, US) Abstract and Curriculum Vitae Proceedings (Access for event attendees only) |
09:40 | Tutorial: “How to build a roadmap” Danilo Demarchi (Polito Torino, IT) Proceedings (Access for event attendees only) |
10:10 | Q&A |
10:20 - 11:00
Coffee Break & Poster Exhibition
11:00 - 13:00
Technical Session 7: "Automated Firmware Design Demonstrated for RISC-based SoCs"
Moderator: Oliver Bringmann (University of Tuebingen, D)
11:00 | RISC-V based Multi-Core Virtual Prototype: An Extensible and Configurable Platform for Modeling and Verification Vladimir Herdt (University of Bremen / DFKI, D) Proceedings (Access for event attendees only) |
11:25 | Optimization and Generation of the Hardware/Software Interface and Firmware Drivers Rafael Stahl (TU Muenchen, D) Proceedings (Access for event attendees only) |
11:50 | A Formal Approach to verify Driver Optimizations Michael Schwarz (TU Kaiserslautern, D) Proceedings (Access for event attendees only) |
12:15 | Flexible Power Optimization of Processor Cores – A RISC-V Case Study Dustin Peterson (University of Tuebingen, D) Proceedings (Access for event attendees only) |
12:40 | Q&A |
12:55 | Closing Remarks Wolfgang Rosenstiel (edacentrum, D) |
13:00 - 14:00