edaForum19 - General Information

We have provided information on the topics listed below.
Venue Berlin
As the German capital, Berlin is one of the most exciting cities in Europe and is increasingly perceived as a hub between Eastern and Western Europe. Dynamism and modernity make Berlin one of the top addresses for companies in the industries of the future. Large international companies have set up their representative offices there. Communication, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit combine at this research-intensive high-tech location to form an ideal test market for innovations.
Berlin's history, from its Prussian splendour to the division of the city after the Second World War and the fall of the Berlin Wall, is reflected in the city's architecture and museums. Some 25 years after reunification, Berlin is more vibrant than ever with its redesigned centre. The city's unique diversity can be seen in all areas such as art and culture, architecture and business, gastronomy and nightlife.
Further information about Berlin
Conference Hotel
The stylish luxury hotel Regent Hotel Berlin is located in the historic heart of the French quarter of Berlin.
Regent Hotel Berlin
Charlottenstr. 49
10117 Berlin
Fon: +49 30 20 33-8
Fax: +49 30 20 33-6166
E-Mail: reservation [dot] berlinregenthotels [dot] com
Website Regent Hotel Berlin Gendarmenmarkt
At the event hotel Regent Berlin we have reserved a contingent of rooms for 05.-06.11.2019 with the keyword "edaForum" until 24 September 2019. The price for the single room is EUR 215,00 per night including breakfast. Please book your room directly at the hotel:
Regent Hotel Berlin
Charlottenstr. 49
10117 Berlin
Fon: +49 30 20 33-6666
Fax: +49 30 20 33-6166
E-Mail: reservation [dot] berlinregenthotels [dot] com
Website Regent Hotel Berlin Gendarmenmarkt
Alternative hotels close to events (configured link):):
Social Event
The edaForum19 will be opened with an evening event on 5 November 2019 at about 18:30 with a stylish dinner in the Refugium restaurant on Gendarmenmarkt.
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact us:
Ms. Maren Sperber
Schneiderberg 32
30167 Hannover
fon: +49 511 762-19699
fax: +49 511 762-19695
infoedacentrum [dot] de